Sociomuseology + Paulo Freire, Postgraduate Study Group
The Sociomuseology + Paulo Freire Postgraduate Study Group is a collective of researchers from the UNESCO Chair “Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity” that has the support of the Museology Department of the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies and CeiED – Center for Studies in Education and Development and the FCT Project – Foundation for Science and Technology CEECIND/04717/2017. The Study Group includes researchers from the UNESCO Chair, CeiED and the Doctoral and Master’s Programs in Museology at the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technology in Lisbon.
Open to the participation of the entire academic community of University Lusófona and the UNESCO Chair, the emphasis is on the members of the Research and Postgraduate Unit in Sociomuseology of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development – CeiED. The group is also open to external participation, and aims to reach school teachers and professionals who work in non-formal education spaces, such as museums, science and culture centers.
The meetings take place fortnightly and are promoted through Conversation Circles or Culture Cycles (according to Freire’s terminology) conducted by guests (teachers, researchers and professionals in the areas of education, museology, culture and heritage) and, always having as a generating theme one of Paulo Freire’s works or a Freire-inspired project in the field of Museology, Education and Heritage. The group organizes courses and seminars on the work, influence and resonances of Paulo Freire in the aforementioned areas that are open to the general public.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Adopted by the Sociomuseology Postgraduate Study Group + Paulo Freire:
• Goal 4- Quality Education
Ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all (SDG 4)
• Goal 5- Gender Equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls (SDG 5)
• Goal 10- Reduce inequalities
Reduce inequality within and between countries (SDG 10)
• Goal 16- Peace, Justice and Effective Institutions
Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels (SDG 16)
• Goal 17- Partnerships to implement the goals
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development (SDG 17)
• Disseminate Paulo Freire’s thought and work.
• Reflect on the role of Museology and the effectiveness of museum institutions.
• Understand the importance of Freirean ideas in the context of Sociomuseology.
• Ensuring the broad participation of researchers in an inclusive, equitable and quality manner.
• Acting through permanent education actions, inside and outside the university.
• Debate contemporary issues, with a special focus on intersectional issues: gender, sexuality, race, decoloniality and class.
• Build and strengthen international partnerships, with emphasis on Ibero – America.
• Produce academic material (reviews, interviews and articles).
• Participate in congresses, seminars and external meetings.
• Promote seminars and specialized courses.
Scientific Tutoring: Chairholder Professor Judite Primo
Executive Coordinator: Phd Student Moana Soto
ULHT Professors and Researchers
• Prof. Doctor Adel Pausini
• Professor Vânia Brayner
Invited Professors and Researchers ULHT
• Professor Cristina Bruno (USP)
• Professor Graça Teixeira (UFBA)
External Researchers
• PhD Alexandre Gomes (UFPE)
• Prof. Ms. Atila Tolentino (IPHAN)
• PhD Carolina Leão (Amuncip)
• PhD Carolina Ruoso (UFMG)
• PhD Clóvis Carvalho Britto (UnB)
• PhD Deborah Silva Santos (UnB)
• PhD Dina Soeiro (Higher School of Education of Coimbra)
• Professor Ms. Mabel Cavalcanti (Paulo Freire Collective – Portugal)
• PhD Maria Célia Santos (UFBA)
• PhD Manuelina Duarte (Université du Liége)
• PhD Patricia Dorneles (UFRJ)
• PhD Tânia Bazante (UFPE)