Projetos Investigação
- O papel social da inovação nos museus portugueses INOMPOR (2023-2024)
- The place of Intangible Cultural Heritage in educational processes(2020-21)
- Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity: Theory and practice of Sociomuseology (2019-25) FCT
- Generative bodies: from aggression to the insurgency. Contributions to a decolonial pedagogy. AGGRIN (2023-2025)
- ECOHERITAGE: Ecomuseums as a collaborative approach to recognition, management and protection of cultural and natural heritage (2020-2023)
- Survey on Intangible Cultural Heritage in ASPnet Schools in the European Union (2019-2020)
- Pilot projetct: Heritage Education (2018-2019)
- Community School Museums (COSMUS) ERASMUS+ (2018-21)
- Arquivo multimédia da poesia dos países da CPLP (2018-20)
- Renova Museu: Revitalização de um museu por meio de ações educativas IBERMUSEUS (2018-19)