ICOM-CECA Cultural action in museums: What does it mean?
Committee for Education and Cultural Action, CECA Regional conference
Departamento de Museologia / CECA-ICOM (co-organização)
Lisbon, 26th – 27th April 2018
The Workshop CECA Lisboa 2018 links Education and Cultural action with Museology specifically focusing on museum education, non-formal education and cultural action in museums.
It is intended for students and professionals in education, museology, heritage, cultural studies and related areas.
It will analyze methodological, conceptual and technical issues related to cultural action in museums, focusing on non formal activities promoted by museums, the role of museums in 21st century society and the need to engage the community with cultural actions contributing to the sustainability of museums.
The Workshop aims to bring to the discussion this thematic axes contributing to enrich and consolidate the good practices of museums, professional qualification and the relationship between museums and society.
The main goal is to contribute to discuss the concept of cultural action in European museums and the relationship between education and cultural action.
With the ideas and conclusions of this workshop it will be presented in CECA – General meeting.