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  • SocioExpography Laboratory (LabSE) Postgraduate Study Group

SocioExpography Laboratory (LabSE) Postgraduate Study Group


As Museology researchers and professionals in the fields of museology, education and culture, in an Ibero-American context, we see the need to develop a social practice of expography in line with SocioMuseology. This is an urgent need, as we live in hectic times. Culture and education are structural elements of the social fabric, but democracy continues to be threatened by anti-democratic forces, by the internal emptying of participation and by the lack of progress in the social, economic, culturaland informational fields. Recognizing merit to the pioneering and inspiring work already developed in the field of Sociomuseology, for us it is a challenge to contribute to its continuity, respecting its academic rigor and its transdisciplinary action in the contemporary world. Although we have already advanced a lot in relation to the social function and the educational role of the museum, we see a need to develop a social practice of expography and museography in line with this new proposal of museology. A proposal to deconstruct this traditional expography: we seek new ways of exposing, for new times.

The LabSE Study Group – SocioExpography Laboratorya collective of researchers from the UNESCO Chair “Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity” that has the support of the Museology Department of the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies, of the FCT Project – Foundation for Science and the CEECIND/04717/2017 Technology.

The Study Group includes researchers from the UNESCO Chair, CeiED and the Doctoral and Master’s Programs in Museology at the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technology in Lisbon.

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Adopted by the Study Group:

Objective 4 – Quality Education

Ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all (SDG 4)

Goal 10 – Reduce inequalities

Reduce inequality within and between countries (SDG 10)


With LabSE, we intend to develop experimentation and reflection on a new form of relationship between the population and museums in which society appropriates these spaces and narrates its own history.

With this proposal, we intend to carry out theoretical studies and museographic experiments through a research project within the scope of the UNESCO Chair in Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity, with the support of the Department of Museology and the CeiED -Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development of Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies. With LabSE, we seek to meet a social demand and a theoretical gap that has not yet been answered.

How to make museums truly accessible and welcoming? How to enable the participation and full understanding of the expographic discourse by everyone involved? We believe that SocioExpografia can be a tool to bring museums and society together.


  • Propose a methodology in SocioExpography
  • Exhibition and participatory curation;
  • Accessibility for different forms of perception and understanding of speech;
  • Financial, ecological and social sustainability;
  • Promote monthly conversation circles (theoretical debates and case studies);
  • Production of scientific articles and work reports;
  • Creation of a network of contacts and networking;
  • Organize an online documentation centre on SocioExpografia;
  • Propose a cultural agenda of activities in Museums and Communities;
  • Bet on an exchange relationship between Ibero-American museums;
  • That the expographic discourse be used consciously as a tool for social intervention.
  • Develop practical projects with partner organizations that share our interests.


• We prepared an initial outline of our vision on SocioExpografia, a document that is constantly being updated as it will be fed by our discussions, readings and practical activities.

• We created a video to announce our proposal for SocioExpografia, presented at the XII Museology Week at ULHT (2021).

• On June 20, 2021, as part of MusaTemas, we received Argentine museologist Johanna Palmeyro to talk about the Justicia Museal project and her experience at the Ricardo Rojas Museum (Buenos Aires).

• We are consolidating partnerships with institutions in Portugal and Brazil to develop practical projects starting in the second half of 2021.


Scientific Tutoring: • PhD Mário Moutinho & PhD Marta Jecu

Coordination: PhD Mariana von Hartenthal and PhD Student Heloisa Vivanco

ULHT Professor and Researcher

• PhD Doctor Judith Primo

• PhD. Vania Brayner

ULHT Guest Professor

• PhD Graça Teixeira (UFBA – ULHT)

External Reserch

• PhD Patricia Dorneles (UFRJ)

• PhD Pedro Salvado (USAL and Fundão Municipality)

• PhD Sabrina Damasceno (UFRB)


Email: socioexpografia@gmail.com